
May 12, 2014

Coffee Shops

Coffee Shops are the most interesting places in my opinion. I think that is why I enjoy hanging out in them. You can see just about any type of person walk through the door. Sometimes they are simply in for a quick fix of caffeine. They are in and out in a flash.

Other times they are here to have a conversation of some importance. A few months ago it was a conversation between business partners trying to transition their concert venues and so on here in Lansing. Today it was a professor and his student processing the future work they were going to venture in on through the summer.

Clientele is not limited to a specific age group. In the place I am at today, Grand River Coffee, there are young and old scattered among the chairs, tables, and couches. To my right there is a guy who looks to be in his 30s going through a green plastic bin of accumulated mail. All the while, over my shoulder to the left there is an old guy passed out with his laptop on knees. He’s been that way for about an hour. (I think someone should check on him to make sure he is still breathing.)

The coffee shop isn’t a place that judges. it is here for anyone to use, whether you need to refuel, rest, or get some work done. If you need to have a conversation, that is welcome also. It is a Third Place.

That is the draw. For me, I’m looking for a place that has good coffee and isn’t my office. Great internet signal is also a bonus, but not really necessary and probably better for my productivity plan. Free parking is also a bonus. I’m looking for that place that is a home away from home so to speak.

I think that is the reason I have had a strong pull to open up a coffee shop at some point in my life. I want to create the place that I love…a place where you can come and find what you need and get great coffee. That is a must.

Now if I only had an endless amount of money to do this….


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