
January 9, 2024

Something New....

I was up way early today, before anything was really open. I found myself in front of the fireplace at South, where I work. I didn't want lots of light on, so it was just my computer and a portable reading light I have to illuminate my journal and legal pad at a table close to the warmth of the fire. I've been mulling over some discipleship plans that our church is launching this month. As I prayed, pondered, and journaled, I thought of a plan that I've had for some time to create a website focused on revering God. A few years ago I even purchased some domains for it. But, with the majority of things in my life, it was a good intention that currently sits in the dreaming phase. I found my way to this webpage as I sat and thought about what that site could be.

I have not posted here since 2016. I had grand ideas that year--to lose weight, to be more spiritual, and so on. I'd have to look back in my journals to see how I did. I'm sure I started out strong for about two days, then waffled miserably. I'm still not 250 or 260 pounds.

This seems to be my constant mode of operation. I have grand, wonderful ideas, then struggle to find any followthrough. This is the story of my life.

This year I again work on finding discipline for my life. Shocker, right? I'm doing things a little differently this year. Instead of tracking my time, which I probably should do a few times, I'm tracking habits, trying to check them off every day. Been on a decent pace through this first week of 2024. Once I get some habits in place, my goal is do work on some of those great ideas that are just lying around in my brain space or the Someday section of my to do list. We will see.

Know that if you happen upon this site and read my ramblings, I am praying for you right now, here in my dark room by the fireplace. May you have peace and hope today.