
March 30, 2008

House Ownership--Week 1

Well. Week one has gone fairly well. It took some time to get into the house, since the bank that owned the house before hand was was taking their good sweet time to get the paperwork turned in. Luckily, we only had to wait for a few hours to get access.

Since getting access, much has happened. We removed the fake wall that hid the fridge, opening up the kitchen to the the rest of the living/dining room. It looks great. It will look even better once we get cabinets back in there.

The other big project going on is the bathroom. Everything has been gutted. Now we're working on the design and will hopefully begin putting things back very soon. Once that is done, it's paint, carpet and trim.

The only big hiccup we ran into is the roof. We were planning on doing the roof in a few years. Not so. We'll be replacing the roof in the next month or two. So, if any of you have that truck full of money available, I'd be willing to help you spend it!

March 24, 2008

The Verge

I have been very distant from here for some time now. It's not that I wanted to be away. Life has been busy with this and that and the other. Good this, that, and the other, but this, that, and the other nonetheless. One of the those this, thats or the others has been this:

Steph and I will be leaving shortly to go and sign the final paperwork, making 5824 Rockingham Drive our own. We'll, Providence Mortgage will mostly own it for about 30 years. . . then she will be ours. We haven't posted much about this because we didn't want to get our hopes (and your hopes) up until everything was final. Within a couple of hours or two, things will be final. So, its safe now!

In light of this, that, and the other (especially the above this, that, and the other), Steph and I would covet your prayers. Please pray that the next couple of hours go well at the Title company. Pray that no one gets hurt in the renovations. Pray that renovations will go quick and that everyone will be having sales on what we need. Pray that we would be wise with our finances as we take on a house payment. Pray for a dump truck full of money. I know, that one won't happen, but it would be nice, wouldn't it?