
April 21, 2008

Home Ownership Weeks 3 and 4

I know, I know. I haven't been updating regularly (sorry Julie!). I've been busy renovating and such. We are making progress. Plumbing changes have been made. We're returning the bathrooms to their full functionality, since they were gutted a few weeks ago. We've done some minor electrical--adding switches and so on. All good changes. I may replace a few doors that were moved/removed this week, and put paint on the wall. Paint is a sign that we're making progress. Paint will help my wife know that it isn't going to stay like it is right now. Paint is the sign of progress . . .

One of my friends said ministry was something of a challenge, because you aren't able to see the finished product. He contrasted it with remodeling work. When you start a project, you know it will get done. You see the stages. You celebrate the changes and progress. You see completeness at the end. Ministry is not like that. You do see some progress and change. But, its rare to see the culmination of someone's journey. Tonight, I spent some time reading the blog of one of my students from GLCC. He up and decided that God wanted him to go on a missions trip--a bold step in my opinion. As I read, I could sense the change happening in him. I could read and see some of the completeness that is coming about. Its an amazing thing--quick, yet deep growth. You should check out his blog--Luke/Beret Riggs.


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