
October 27, 2005

An Empty House

Last night I was home alone. Steph and Hannah went off to spend a couple of days with our friend Sandi. So, I found myself at work late--unfortunately. Then, when I came home, I continued the laundry I had started earlier that day, did the dishes for my wife, and a host of other things.

It is a bittersweet thing when my girls are not in the house. It is nice to have the peace and quiet to crank out work. It is nice to be able to crank up the stereo really loud and listen to the likes of Steve Taylor's Squint and Billy Joel's Greatest Hits.

It is bad when they are not there because I normally stay up way to late. Because I was doing laundry, I was up until 3 or so. I ended up laying on the living room floor between the speakers on the stereo falling asleep to Kenny Loggins' Leap of Faith (one of my favorite cds). I really enjoy falling asleep to music even though I don't do it that often. I really only do it when I'm away from home or when my wife is gone. I don't know why, that's just the way it happens.

The other bad thing about them being gone is that I miss them. There is nothing better than coming home after a day of work and spending the evening on the floor with my daughter playing, singing, and giggling. The house is so empty when they are gone. It is peaceful, but missing some of the life that is necessary to survive.

There is something about being alone that I really enjoy. But, at the same time, I realize that I am alone and away from everything. When I am alone, my mind is freed more than normal to wander to the dark corners of my brain. I become more aware of the inner battle that I am continually fighting to keep my mind in the light. I notice this when I'm at home alone or even away on the other side of town. It makes me long to never be alone.

Needless to say, I glad my girls are coming home today.


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